MiningWatch Canada Welcomes Interim Latin America Program Coordinator Viviana Herrera

MiningWatch Canada is excited to announce that Viviana Herrera Vargas has joined our staff as Latin America Program Coordinator for one year, replacing Kirsten Francescone while she is on maternity leave.

Viviana is eager to contribute to MiningWatch’s work building networks of solidarity and support for mining-affected communities and pressing for an end to mining impunity and injustice. She says, “I am thrilled about joining MiningWatch Canada and looking forward to working with all our partners and mining-affected communities in advancing environmental and social justice in Latin America.”

Viviana’s work has focused on the intersection of human rights and the extractive sector in Latin America. She has a master’s degree in International Studies from the University of Montreal, and spent three years in Bolivia working on the socio-environmental impacts of large-scale mega-dam projects on Indigenous and peasant communities and ecosystems in the Amazon. 

MiningWatch is very pleased to be able to count on Viviana’s acumen, abilities, and enthusiasm in this critical role and time.