Algonquins of Barriere Lake Welcome Quebec Settlement with Copper One But Remain Opposed to any Mining Activities within our Territory

Algonquins of Barriere Lake

(Kitiganik, Algonquin Territory) Last year our Chief and Council adopted a resolution opposing any mining activities (staking, exploration, development) within our ancestral (and current-use) 1991 Trilateral Agreement Territory. Our position towards mining activities has not changed.

Chief Casey Ratt stated today, “We welcome the Quebec government’s settlement with Copper One, getting them out of our community territory, but we remain concerned about other mining claims staked in our community territory without consulting us or obtaining our consent, including SOQUEM, a Quebec government subsidiary. According to the Copper One press release their mining claims are now transferred to SOQUEM. Mining is totally incompatible with our culture and way of life, which we are trying to protect along with our environment.”

Since time immemorial, our First Nation has used and occupied our lands for the pursuit of traditional activities, managing the lands and resources, as part of our way of life, on the basis of conservation and harmony with Mother Earth. However, impacts from flooding, logging and wildlife depletion, in the last 125 years have devastated the lands and resources and disrupted our traditional way of life.

Mining activities are completely incompatible with the continuation of our Algonquin People’s traditional activities and the sustainable use of renewable resources, paradoxically the mining activities contemplated by Copper One would have taken place within Quebec’s largest wildlife reserve.

Our Algonquin Peoples have forcefully and consistently voiced our opposition to mining activities on our community territory. As such, no mining activity (staking, exploration or development) will be accepted on our community territory.

Councillor Norman Matchewan added “Our Algonquin Peoples will continue to monitor on the land for any sign of mining activities and if any mining exploration operations by SOQUEM or any other mining exploration company are found we will take all necessary but peaceful measures to protect our waters, lands and wildlife.

For more information:

  • Chief Casey Ratt, cell (819) 441-8002
  • Councillor Norman Matchewan, cell (819) 441-8006