
Algonquins Demanding Moratorium on Uranium Exploration on Traditional Territory

Since June 28, 2007, members of the Shabot Obaadjiwan and Ardoch Algonquin First Nations have been occupying a staging site for uranium exploration on their traditional territory. The Algonquins have never signed a treaty. Their statement can be found at on their web site.

At issue is the First Nations’ right to Free Prior and Informed Consent before uranium exploration or mining takes place on the lands they have used and occupied since time immemorial.

The occupation and the strong concerns of the First Nations have enormous support, from the local non-native residents and from people all over the world.

Local residents have formed the Community Coalition Against Uranium Mining (CCAMU). The CCAMU is “calling for the Ontario government to follow Nova Scotia's lead and initiate an immediate commission of enquiry and a moratorium against uranium exploration/mining in eastern Ontario.” (see Our Story by Gloria Morrison)

On August 27, a judge issued an injunction ordering an end to the occupation, but the Algonquins say they will not recognize the court ruling.

The mining company, Frontenac Ventures, is in the process of a reverse take-over with Sylvio Ventures, as it wants to attract shareholders. It has no previous history of uranium mining. The company has sued the Algonquins for $77 million in damages.

For more information:
Ardoch Algonquin First Nation:
Chief Paula Sherman 613-279-1327 paulasherman(at)trentu.ca
Honorary Chief Robert Lovelace 613-374-5598; Cell 613-532-2166 blovelac(at)flemingc.on.ca

Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation:
Chief Doreen Davis 613-279-1970 chiefdoreen(at)frontenac.net

Frank Morrison 613-479-8016 sandymanor(at)mazinaw.on.ca
Lynn Daniluk 613-268-2746 Cell 614-267-0539 greenlynndaniluk(at)yahoo.ca