
Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility and Canada’s Extractive Sector Wrapping Up

The final public sessions in the Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility and Canada’s Extractive Sector in Developing Countries take place on Tuesday, November 14 in Montreal. The deadline to register to make an oral presentation is October 31. If you are interested in observing the presentations, simply show up at the Doubletree Plaza Hotel, 505 Sherbrooke Street E., at 9 a.m. or 6 p.m. Written submissions  can be sent to Sabrina Ramzi at Sabrina.Ramzi(at)international.gc.ca or Clare Morris at Clare.Morris(at)international.gc.ca.

For more information on how to register to make a public presentation visit the government web site or www.halifaxinitiative.org, or contact Andrea Botto at cnca(at)halifaxinitiative.org, tel: 613-789-9368. For more information and background on the roundtables see also the MiningWatch Canada web site or Newsletter #22.