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Blog Entry

URGENT ACTION: Demand Pan American Silver Stop Fueling Violence in Guatemala

Viviana Herrera

Latin America Program Coordinator

Speaking out against the Escobal mine has always been dangerous, but we are in the midst of a spike in violence. Six members of the peaceful resistance movement recently suffered attacks and death threats. In January, community leader Julio González was shot and wounded at his home. Read the letter of concern regarding the attacks signed by nearly 200 international organizations here.

Pan American Silver is adding fuel to the fire by continuing to interfere in Xinka Indigenous communities, putting defenders at greater risk and undermining the court-ordered consultation process.

Please sign this petition calling on Pan American Silver to respect the Xinka people’s right to be freely consulted without violence and threats, and immediately cease its interference in Xinka communities.

Please share widely! The petition is also available in Spanish and French.