Time to Clean Up BC Mining
Time to Clean Up BC Mining!
Blog Entry

Time to Clean Up BC's Mining Industry!

Write to BC's Premier now!

Just as Premier Christy Clark announces more direct and indirect subsidies to the mining industry, groups are calling on the BC government to better industry practices and stronger regulations to protect the environment, communities, and taxpayers from further environmental liability related to mining.

The Wilderness Committee recently released a new publication (or here) – produced with support from MiningWatch Canada  and Clayoquot Action – demanding that BC’s mining industry clean up its act and be constrained by tougher environmental laws governing the creation, storage and disposal of mine waste. The report also calls for stronger financial assurance for site clean-up and spills, as well as for communities to have a say about when and where mining can take place on their territories, and to create areas off-limits to mining. The report echoes the demands expressed by many BC citizens, municipalities, First Nations, and public interest groups over the recent years.  

There are better, safer alternatives, but the industry must commit to investing in these practices and the government to enforce stricter standards. Please contact the BC Premier & elected representatives in Victoria today to help clean up the province's mining industry. Let the provincial government know how strongly you want:

  1. A ban on a dangerous practice of holding large volumes of toxic slurry, water and mine waste behind towering earthen dams, and requirements for safer storage methods
  2. Legislated ‘no-go zones’ for mining in some areas to protect critical ecosystems, waters and livelihoods
  3. A stop to industry self-regulation in favour of mandatory independent oversight and monitoring
  4. A levy on all operating mines to ensure zero public liability and a multi-billion dollar mine clean-up fund
  5. Required consent from local communities and First Nations before mine projects can proceed

Write to BC government now!

See related video.

Thank you!