BC First Nation Stand United
Blog Entry

BC First Nations Stand United and Declare Pípsell a “Cultural Heritage Site” To Be Protected from Mining

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BC First Nations say ‘NO’ to KHGM’s Ajax open pit mine near Kamloops and propose instead the creation of a Cultural Heritage Site to foster reconciliation for the benefits of all Canadians.

See great video launched today https://vimeo.com/222291883 or www.facebook.com/MiningWatch/posts/10154978495333026

Pípsell is a cultural keystone area which must be preserved in a state consistent with the traditional importance of the site to the Secwépemc people.  Pípsell must only be used in ways which preserve and sustain the area, and which allow for the culture of the Secwépemc people to be exercised and maintained.”

In picture above (from June 11, 2017 Ceremony): Elizabeth May (Green Party Leader of Canada), Chief Ron Ignace (Skeethchestn Indian Band), Chief Judy Wilson (Neskonlith Indian Band), Grand Chief Stewart Phillip (Union of BC Indian Chiefs), Chief Wayne Christian (Shuswap Nation Tribal Council), Chief Bob Chamberlin (UBCIC Vice-President), Chief Maureen Chapman (BC Assembly of First Nations), Chief Fred Seymour (Tk'emlups Indian Band).

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