Protect Our Lakes
Blog Entry

TAKE ACTION: Tell the Federal Government to turn down Taseko

Canadians want just and sustainable development not fake lakes and abuse of Aboriginal rights!

The federal review panel on the proposed Prosperity Gold-Copper Mine has released its final report. It has concluded that the project, if approved, would have significant and lasting negative environmental effects and represent a significant loss to the area's First Nations.

In addition to the infringement on First Nations Traditional Territories the panel's report was critical of the loss of productive fish habitat and the proposal to compensate for this destruction by the creation and stocking of a new lake.

The federal government must now decide whether to reject the project, as on the other two occasions when review panels have found significant adverse affects, or accept the project as "justifiable under the circumstances".

Tell your Member of Parliament, Environment Minister Jim Prentice, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper that they must not approve Taseko Mines' intrusion into First Nations traditional territories, nor the destruction of Fish Lake, Litte Fish Creek, and Upper Fish Creek for an open pit gold and copper mine.

Find your MP and his/her contact details using your postal code here. The mail to all MPs, including the Prime Minister and Environment Minister, is postage-free at:
House of Commons
Ottawa ON
K1A 0A6

Prime Minister Harper's e-mail is [email protected]; Environment Minister Prentice's e-mail is [email protected]

Some things to include in your letter:

  • The federal panel finding of significant adverse environmental effects should be respected and the project should not be approved.
  • The rights of the Tsilhqot'in and Secwepemc Nations to self determination and protection of their natural resources must be protected.
  • Focussing on numbers of jobs, dollars spent by the company and estimates of tax payments ignores significant economic costs to communities and taxpayers.
  • Approving the project despite significant adverse impacts is unprecedented and irresponsible.

Raven Trust has put together a sample letter you may wish to use.