Support the Work of MiningWatch Canada

If you have found this web site and other work of MiningWatch Canada helpful, we ask you to consider making a financial contribution.

As you may know, the Canadian government restricts the advocacy work that charities are allowed to undertake. One of the things that MiningWatch Canada does is to work to change the laws and policies that enable destructive mining practices.

However, MiningWatch Canada does have a sister organisation, the Canary Research Institute for Mining, Environment, and Health that carries out research and education projects through MiningWatch, and does not advocate with governments. Canadian donors to the Canary Institute will be given a charitable donation receipt.

You can send a cheque or money order to either organisation at the address below, or use the secure on-line donation form below to contribute directly to MiningWatch. To contribute to the Canary Institute please use this form.

For further information, please contact us via:
phone: (613) 569-3439 – e-mail: info(at)

Or by mail:
4 Florence Street, Suite 210, Ottawa, ON  K2P 0W7