
Takla First Nation Wants Protection of Amazay Lake on Prime Minister’s Agenda

#345-1460 6th Avenue
Prince George, BC V2L 3N2
Telephone: 250-564-9321
Fax: 250-564-9521

For Immediate Release

Takla Lake First Nation – As the Prime Minister, Cabinet members, and the BC Premier convene in Kelowna this week, Chief John Allan French of Takla Lake First Nation is calling attention to the proposed destruction of Amazay Lake in Northern BC.

“Along with the 4 Nations, we have pursued every avenue in government to stop the destruction of Amazay Lake being proposed by Kemess North mine,” said French. “We want the Prime Minister, and people throughout Canada to have a visual understanding of the destruction that our territories face.” (In reference to attached photo)

The 4 Nations have been active in trying to stop Northgate Minerals from using the lake as a tailings pond for acid mine waste under the proposed Kemess North mine currently under environmental assessment review. Takla Lake First Nation has been, and continues to, work in alliance with the 4 Nations for over three years on this issue.

The First Nations Summit and the Assembly of First Nations, both of whom are expected to be represented at this week’s meeting in Kelowna, have passed resolutions in support of the 4 Nations and called on government to convene government-to-government negotiations to meaningfully consult and accommodate First Nations title and rights.

“So far, the governments and the company have provided only one option in consultation– the destruction of Amazay Lake,” said French. “It is meaningless to participate in a consultation process where there is only one option.”

“What you see in this photo is what has already been done to our territories at Kemess South, and what is being proposed to be done again at Kemess North. We are calling on the Prime Minister, Premier Campbell, and the ministers responsible to help save our precious water resources and to uphold the Honour of Crown in its dealings with First Nations peoples.”


Contact: Chief John Allan French, 250-613-9150