Sue Moodie
Sue Moodie with berries picked on her property near Whitehorse.

In Memory of Sue Moodie

We are mourning the loss of Sue Moodie of Whitehorse, Yukon. She was a kind, principled, and determined community activist, who loved music, being with friends, and living in the bush.

Working for the Yukon Conservation Society (YCS) in the late 1990s, Sue was deeply disturbed by the...

Project Censored Radio with Jamie Kneen by MiningWatch Canada

The Past and Present of Mining – Project Censored Radio with Jamie Kneen

This week, Eleanor Goldfield digs into mining – past and present. First, author and organizer Mitch Troutman discusses his latest book, The Bootleg Coal Rebellion: The Pennsylvania Miners who Seized an Industry. Mitch shares...

“Por la Defensa del Territorio Marmateño” demonstration, February 22, 2022. Marmato, Caldas. Source: Fuerzas Vivas Marmato Facebook Page

A Robust Movement Against Caldas Gold in Marmato, Colombia

The following guest blog was written by Elizabeth Ferry, a Professor of Anthropology at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, USA. She has been conducting research on mining in Latin America since 1996. With Stephen Ferry, she is the author of La Batea, a book of texts and...

Chileans Go to the Polls to Vote on Historic Eco-Constitution

Chileans go to the polls this Sunday to vote on whether to adopt a new constitution that centres the protection of water and the environment as key pillars in the fight against the climate crisis. The Latin American Observatory for Environmental Conflicts (OLCA) has been at the forefront of...

Canadian Mining Interests in Chile in Play as Citizens Vote on New Constitution

This Sunday, September 4, Chileans go to the polls to vote on whether to adopt what’s widely regarded as one of the most progressive and environmentally ambitious constitutions in the world. As the movement to prioritize water and stronger environmental protections gains ground in Chile, there...

Greenwashing at the World’s Biggest Mining Convention

The mining industry is fixing to capitalize on the energy transition. But affected communities across the Americas are speaking out against “business as usual.” In June, representatives of communities from the Philippines to Ethiopia to the High Arctic and allies gathered outside PDAC 2022 to...

Source: Yaku Pérez

Key Victory for Water Defenders in Southern Ecuador Against Canadian Mining

Water defenders just won an important battle in Cuenca, Southern Ecuador, against metal mining in the Kimsakocha páramos, where Canadian company Dundee Precious Metals is attempting to develop its Loma Larga gold-arsenic mine. On Tuesday, a local judge granted...

Trucks sit idle at Porgera mine, April 2020.

Barrick Gold Corp.’s Porgera Joint Venture Mine: A Legacy of Ignoring Human and Environmental Rights Abuses

The case study with footnotes is available here.

Ownership history

The Porgera Joint Venture (PJV) gold...

"Why We Mobilize" — Statement by Acción Ecológica as Mining-Impacted Communities Join National Strike

"By participating in the national strike, the communities who are resisting mining are expressing their rejection and indignation against all attempts to silence their reality. They denounce that around 15% of national lands are subject to mining concessions, and that more than 3 million...

We can't mine our way out of the climate crisis

Don’t be Fooled by Greenwashing. We Can’t Mine our Way Out of the Climate Crisis!

The mining industry is using the energy transition to paint its extractive activities "green," claiming to be the sustainable providers of metals and minerals required for energy transition technologies. But we know that mining is a significant cause of the climate crisis, not the solution....

deep sea mining equipment
Nautilus equipment to mine hydrothermal vents

Call on your MP to Protect Our Oceans and Stop Deep Sea Mining Before It Starts

Mining could soon begin in one of the most fragile ecosystems on the planet: the deep seabed. And while Canadian companies are at the forefront of efforts to expand this destructive industry into our oceans, the Canadian government has largely remained silent. Take action!...

World Social Forum 2022 Workshop “Resistance to mining extractivism in Latin America and Canada: A Global Vision"

Canada Program Co-Lead Jamie Kneen presents on "Resistance to mining extractivism in Latin America and Canada" on May 30, 2022 as part of the 2022 World Social Forum. An important primer on the Canadian mining industry, this piece details the role of junior companies in exploration and...

Shuar Arutam People Resist Mining Industry Advances During COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a particularly difficult time for the Shuar Arutam People (PSHA) of the Ecuadorian Amazon in the defense of their territory and their ongoing resistance against large-scale mining. The government and mining companies took advantage of the pandemic to intensify...

Police repression in Choya, Argentina. Photo credit: Prensa UAC

Support for Precautionary Measures for Communities in Andalgalá, Argentina

Police repression is increasing against communities in Andalgalá, Argentina who are peacefully opposing Yamana Gold and Newmont Mining's joint MARA project. Concerned about the severity of repression in Andalgalá, we're writing to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to support the...

OECD guidelines

Proposed Revisions to the National Contact Point Again Fall Short of Necessary Reforms

MiningWatch Canada and OECD Watch have submitted extensive feedback to Canada’s National Contact Point as it reviews its procedures. Once again, we’ve found that the proposed changes are falling short of the much-needed reforms to that office. 

Read the full feedback to...

Take Action! A Path Forward for Corporate Accountability in Canada

Take action! Canadian mining companies and their subsidiaries are implicated in serious human rights abuses and environmental damage around the globe. Yet instead of establishing rules requiring Canadian companies to respect human rights and the environment, Canada continues to rely on...