Deep sea mining is not the future. Cartoon by Max Gustafson.

Canadian Organizations Call on Canada to Halt Mining of the Seabed

Canadian mining companies are at the forefront of pushing to gain access to the deep seabed as the new frontier in mining. Canadian company Nautilus gained the first permit to mine hydrothermal vents on the deep seabed off Papua New Guinea before going bankrupt in 2019. Vancouver-based...

Over 190 Organizations condemn the violence against Julio, demand Pan American Silver cease all activities in Guatemala.

195 International Organizations Denounce Latest Attacks Against Members of the Peaceful Resistance to Escobal Mine


María Consuelo Porras, Attorney General, Office of the Public Prosecutor, Guatemala
Augusto Jordán Rodas Hernández, Ombudsman, Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman, Guatemala
Sean McAleer, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, Guatemala, Pan American Silver...

Ring of Fire
The "Ring of Fire" - McFauld's Lake, Ontario

Mining injustice: Exploration, decision making, community voices in Ring of Fire

In response to Ontario’s mad dash to develop the controversial Ring of Fire (ROF) mineral cache in Ontario’s Far North, First Nation communities across Ontario’s Far North have ...

Solidaridad con Chubut

Open Letter to the Communities and Organizations of Chubut, Argentina

We, the undersigned organizations, write to you with great concern about the current threat, provoked by the mining lobby of some Canadian mining companies, of the possible zoning of the historic Law XVII-Nº 68 through Bill N 128/2020. If approved, this bill would allow for a a "mining zone"...

INV Metals what are you hiding

TAKE ACTION: Demand that INV Metals make the Environmental Impact Assessment for Loma Larga, Public!

In November, 2020, organizations from Southern Ecuador requested that Canadian company INV Metals give them access to the Environmental Impact Assessment for its Loma Larga project, as well as other technical studies. The company has failed to respond, denying these organizations...

The women of Kimsakocha have been the backbone of the defence of the water. Photo credit: Yasunidos Cuenca

Open Letter to INV Metals in Support of Ecuadorian Organizations Requesting Environmental Impact Study for Loma Larga Project

[take action to support these organizations by sending your own letter] 

Dec. 4, 2020

Ms. Candace MacGibbon,

Last week's mobilization in Lago Rosario, Source: Pablo Fernando Quintana, NoaLaMina Esquel Facebook

Massive Mobilizations Ignite Argentinian Patagonia In Face of Lobby Pressure to Subvert Anti-Mining Legislation

On November 24th, 2020, the Provincial Legislature of Chubut, Argentina initiated debate on two important laws for the future of mining in the...

Community members look on Los Filos open pit mine in Guerrero, Mexico; Photo: Christian Leyva

URGENT ACTION: Call on Canadian Banks to Stop Funding Conflict at the Los Filos mine

The Ejido of Carrizalillo shut down Equinox Gold’s Los Filos mine in Guerrero, Mexico on September 3, after two months of failed attempts at dialogue to address racist and discriminatory treatment, as well as breaches of their social cooperation agreement. This is the longest-running strike...

Equinox Gold: Racist and Discriminatory Company, outside Los Filos, Mexico (Source: Amapola)

Investor Alert: Equinox Threatens Community, Inexplicably Prolonging Suspension at Los Filos Mine in Mexico

Today, Equinox Gold reached the 83-day mark in the shut-down of the Los Filos mine in Guerrero, Mexico. This has not occurred since 2007, when the community of Carrizalillo learned that Goldcorp (since merged to form part of US firm Newmont) had illegally purchased collective lands. The...

Virtual round table: "Turning Down the Heat: Can We Mine Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?"

Video of virtual round table: "Turning Down the Heat: Can We Mine Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?"

On November 17, 2020, one year after the international conference "Turning Down the Heat: Can We Mine Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?", we convened a report-back, update, and conversation with MiningWatch staff and...

Virtual round table: "Turning Down the Heat: Can We Mine Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?" by MiningWatch Canada

Audio recording of the virtual round table: "Turning Down the Heat: Can We Mine Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?"

On November 17, 2020, one year after the international conference "Turning Down the Heat: Can We Mine Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?", we convened a report-back, update, and conversation with MiningWatch staff and...

O rompimento da barragem de rejeitos da mineradora Samarco. Foto: Rogério Alves/TV Senado - Wikipedia

What Do Mine Tailings Dam Disasters Teach Us?

Brazilian mining activists invited Judith Marshall to participate in their November 5 commemorations of the anniversary of the tailings dam collapse at the Vale/BHP iron mine in Mariana, Brazil. Marshall was a founding member of the International Network of People Affected by Vale (AV)...

Turning Down the Heat – Pour due le climat ait meilleure mine
Turning Down the Heat – Pour due le climat ait meilleure mine

Virtual round table: "Turning Down the Heat: Can We Mine Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?"

Please join us for a virtual round table: where are we at, one year after the conference "Turning Down the Heat: Can We Mine Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis?" A report-back and conversation with MiningWatch staff and special guests from around the world. November 17, 2020 – 2-4 pm...

Kazdaği (Mount Ida) Turkey
Kazdaği (Mount Ida), Turkey.

Take Action To Protect the Ida Mountains, Turkey

The Ida mountain range and Mount Ida itself (Kazdaği, in Turkish, home to the ancient city of Troy), have been subject to gold mining interests in recent years. Since 2010, Canadian company Alamos Gold has been seeking to develop gold mines there in the face of determined local and nation-wide...

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Kirsten Francescone, Dan Kovalik, Janine Bandcroft by MiningWatch Canada

Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Kirsten Francescone, Dan Kovalik, Janine Bandcroft

There is jubilation in Bolivia, as the people’s representatives are again in power following the removal by force of arms last year of president Evo Morales’ MAS party. The party’s new iteration, under the leadership of Luis Arce, won an even larger majority than last time, sweeping away the...

Member of the Xinka Parliament discussing steps forward in the consultation process. (Source: Xinka Parliament)

Xinka Parliament Announces Breakthrough in Escobal Mine Consultation Process, Rejects Pan American Silver’s Bad Faith

On October 15, 2020, the Xinka Parliament announced that Guatemalan authorities have finally recognized their representatives elected to participate in a consultation on the...