transboundary mines
Overview of key watersheds and multiple past producing, exploratory, and currently operating mines in B.C. and Alaska. Image by Chris Sergeant, Flathead Lake Bio Station, University of Montana.

Is B.C. Really a World Leader When It Comes to Environmental Reviews of Metal Mines?

A new report by a renowned environmental lawyer concludes that British Columbia is “not yet a world leader” in its environmental reviews of proposed metal...

Argentinian Delegates Meet with Guatemalans at Regional Summit of Peoples Affected by Pan American Silver

For close to twenty years, communities affected by proposed mining development in the Patagonia region of southern Argentina have held a standing engagement on the 4th day of every month: to march in defence of life and reiterate their commitment to uphold the results of a 2003 referendum that...

The High Seas Provide an Opportunity for Canadian Leadership

Steps need to be taken to ensure that deep seabed mining does not put at risk species that are not found anywhere else in the world.

Written by Susanna D. Fuller, Catherine Coumans, Nicole Zanesco. Originally published on...

Petition on Lithium Mining Project on Unceded Territory: Stand with Long Point First Nation Against Sayona Mining

Long Point First Nation is facing serious threats from a proposed open-pit lithium mine a few kilometres from the community of Winneway, on the shores of Lake Simard, part of Kitci Sibi (the Ottawa River) in northern Quebec, Canada. Add your voice in support of their self-determination!
Mount Polley continues to deposit mine waste into Quesnel Lake via a 10-kilometre pipeline. While the measure was intended to be temporary as the mine investigated other wastewater solutions, residents fear it could continue for at least the next decade a

There’s little hope Mother Nature can keep up or repair the damage to Quesnel Lake, Polley Lake and Hazeltine Creek

On August 4, 2014, the worst mining disaster in Canadian history happened at the Mount Polley Copper Mine northeast of Williams Lake, British Columbia. The tailings dam failed, dumping over 25 million cubic metres of toxic wastewater and mine tailings into Hazeltine Creek, Polley Lake, and...

mining country
"Mining Country" written by John Sandlos and Arn Keeling

Book Review: Mining Country: A History of Canada’s Mines and Miners

When MiningWatch Canada started up in 1999, we all hoped that our work would challenge the industry-dominated discourse about mining and smelting in Canada. 

We were determined to see academics, journalists, and popular publishers expose the enormous externalized costs of the metals...

©Les archives Karl Tremblay, Journal de Québec

The Quebec Government Announced it Will Lower Air Quality Regulations for Nickel. This is Why That’s a Bad Idea.

(Quebec, Canada) MiningWatch Canada and members of Québec Meilleure Mine strongly oppose a relaxation of air quality standards for nickel, as currently proposed by the Government of Quebec. 

On February 20, 2022, MiningWatch and Québec meilleure mine...

Fierro Urco

Communities of Gualel in Southern Ecuador File for Protective Measures to Protect Fierro Urco Páramo from Mining

One month ago, on February 4, 2022, hundreds of people took to the streets in the municipality of Loja in southern Ecuador to protest against the industrial...

Atttawapiskat River
Atttawapiskat River. Charles Hookimaw photo.

Support First Nations’ Free, Prior and Informed Consent! Restart the Ring of Fire Regional Assessment

Sign here to support First Nations in calling on Minister Guilbeault to retract the draft Terms of Reference for the Ring of Fire Regional...

Community Hikes on the Controversial Claims of Sayona Mining

In the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region in northern Quebec, a historic civil society movement has sprung up in response to threats from mining. The Collectif des Pas du Lieu is encouraging residents to join collective hikes on top of Sayona Mining's controversial claims, as a way to better...

One Year Since Cuenca, Ecuador Voted to Protect Water Over Mining, Communities Demand Their Decision Be Respected

This week marks one year since residents of the canton of Cuenca in southern Ecuador went to the polls to defend their water and highland páramo wetlands...

Photo: CIAM Panamá

First Quantum Minerals Deal with Panama Sparks Major Environmental and Cultural Concerns

Last week, the Panamanian Campesino (small farmers) Union (UCP) and the group “Panamá Vale Más Sin Minería” (“Panama is Worth More Without Mining”) both released public statements denouncing the government of Panama for renegotiating a contract with Vancouver-based First Quantum Minerals to...

Launch of the Third Popular Initiative: No Large Scale Mining in Chubut!

The following is the translated joint statement issued by the Union of Community Assemblies of Chubut, Argentina (UACCh), launching their third popular initiative "Chubut Sin Megaminería" ("No Megamining in Chubut"). The Assemblies are collecting signatures from residents in the province in an...

Communities in Chubut, Argentina, Propose Law to Further Protect Water From Dangers of Large Scale Mining

On January 21, 2022, the Union of Community Assemblies of Chubut, Argentina (UACCh) launched its third popular initiative, "Chubut Sin Megaminería" ("No Megamining in Chubut"). The Assemblies are collecting signatures from residents in the province in an effort to...

Deep sea mining is not the future. Cartoon by Max Gustafson.

Global Support for a Moratorium or Ban on Deep Seabed Mining

Canadians call on the Government of Canada to join global citizens, scientists, governments, corporations, and financial institutions in supporting a moratorium or ban on deep seabed mining.

deep sea mining equipment
Nautilus equipment to mine hydrothermal vents

Canada’s Role in Deep Seabed Mining

Join MiningWatch Canada, Oceans North and other organizations in calling for a moratorium on deep seabed mining in international waters. Sign the parliamentary petition...